Monday, 27 October 2014

Cultural Connections

In Social Studies, we have been learning about the the First Nations cultural groups that lived in the land we know as Canada, long before people started to arrive from Europe. We learned that the geographic regions where these groups settled, influenced their way of life. Back then, people lived off the land and had to work together to survive. In all First Nations, children and young people learned the skills and knowledge they needed by working with older family members.

During our conversations about the types of things First Nations people made, several students made connections to their culture. Sheena and Hunter, who are both Cree, brought in beautiful hand-made, beaded leather mitts to share with the class. Hunter also brought in a dream catcher he made. Demetrius, who is Metis, brought in a number of items from his culture, including a Metis sash and beaded moccasins.

It was great to see the cultural connections to our study of First Nations people, from a time long ago.

Demetrius displays the handmade items from his Metis culture.

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