Monday, 21 September 2015

Canadian Hero

Students worked together today to record everything they knew about Canadian hero, Terry Fox. They were asked to write down ANYTHING. Aside from recording well known facts, for example, Terry Fox had cancer and a prosthetic leg, and he ended his run in Thunder Bay because his cancer came back,  students also noted character traits.

Some of the attributes students recorded about Terry Fox were that he was fast, logical, selfless, brave, inspirational, loved by all, determined, a hero, and selfless.

Athlone students will be running Friday, September 25th at 1:00 pm to raise money for the Terry Fox Foundation-35 years after Terry Fox set off on his amazing journey. Please show your support for this worthwhile cause by having your child bring in a cash donation.

Your generosity is appreciated!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Classroom Belief Statement

Today, students worked in groups to brainstorm ideas about the type of classroom they would like to learn in this year. They discussed how they would like our classroom to look, sound, and feel. Students even added a wish list! The wish lists included things like a class pet, lockers, a cotton candy machine, a popcorn machine, a basement gymnasium, and a hot tub!

We'll consolidate all the great ideas students came up with to create a classroom belief statement: a contract that outlines our expectation for our classroom community.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Back to School!

Welcome Back to school and welcome to grade 5! This is such an exciting time for students, parents, and teachers alike. I am looking forward to working and learning with all the wonderful students of Room 10. We're going to have an awesome year.

I'd like to thank all the families who came out for "Meet the Teacher." I enjoyed meeting you all and chatting about the upcoming school year. Please know that my door is always open. Feel free to stop by after school or contact me through email to discuss any questions you have regarding your child or our classroom.

Below are pictures of Room 10 students lining-up for their first day of grade 5. It appears Room 10 has a few students who are not a bit camera shy! Good times!